Where Is BPA Found: Way Beyond Food & Bottles
We hear a lot about how BPA is harmful. And that it’s in our food packaging and baby bottles. We see “BPA free” stamped on containers. However, BPA is found in sooo many more places. Let’s look at what BPA is, where it’s used, and simple ways get rid of it in your home. What is BPA? Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is widely used to make polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. You might be wondering what that is….as was I. Epoxy resins are a strong adhesive used in fiber optics and electrical circuit boards. Polycarbonate plastics are nearly everywhere. It’s a clear plastic that you can see through clearly. It can withstand impacts greater than other plastics. Its properties make it easy to be used for injection molding and…