Non-toxic Interior Wood Doors Guide

It was easy to find a fully solid wood door made of oak (hardwood) a few short years ago. But yesterday, when I searched the internet for companies selling solid wood hardwood interior doors, I found a lot of marketing jargon that was mis-leading. I wanted to give up. Stop looking. Ugh, frustration!  But, I wouldn’t feel good about it. I wouldn’t feel in alignment with myself and my intention (to create a healthy home). So, I put on my YouTube music playlist and dug in further. Went deeper into the internet to find a company, and vowed to myself to call local companies as well (not just look at products sold on the internet). During my search, here’s what I found and what might be helpful in your own search for…
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How to Transform Your Bad Indoor Air to Good IAQ

Our indoor air quality (IAQ) is paramount for good health. Yet, it can be so easy to disregard and excuse away. It’s too expensive. It’s too time consuming. It’s too much work. So, we continue the same cycle of living in IAQ that can lead to chronic illness, cancer, depression and more.  For what? I truly ask you to pause and ask yourself... for.what? We can have good IAQ while staying within our budget and using simple solutions. In this article, we’ll explore some of the deepest reasons people stay stuck in outdated habits that lead to poor IAQ and how you can break the cycle to attain good IAQ. 3 Big Reasons We Get Stuck in Homes with Poor IAQ Reason #1: We think it’s too expensive.  The average…
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How to Make Non Toxic Laundry Detergent Affordable

How to Make Non Toxic Laundry Detergent Affordable

Blog, Cleaning, Clothes & Textiles, Uncategorized
Are you concerned about the cost of living a chemical-free lifestyle? 8 out of 10 times, cost comes up as a concern when I talk to people about becoming organic and chemical-free.  It’s a legitimist concern, one that I had to address in my own life over the years. You want to buy the best nontoxic, chemical-free products while still living within your budget.  And you certainly can do that! Keep reading to find out how. How to Make “A” and “B” Rated Non Toxic Laundry Detergents Affordable Once you find the best chemical-free laundry detergents (rated “A” or “B”), think about how to make these detergents more affordable. Here are a few simple strategies for making your nontoxic laundry detergent fit right into your budget: Add Arm and Hammer Super Washing…
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