Have thought you were buying non-toxic self-care products and ended up buying toxic products – still?
I’ve been there, too. I was pissed. So frustrated at the wasted time and money. My friends can testify that I spewed (maybe more than) my fair share of swear words.
My primary frustration?
Cleaners and self-care products that were labeled as healthy (eco-friendly, non-toxic, natural) but STILL had chemicals that were harmful to health. Damn!
So, how do you know if your self-care products are non-toxic vs. just being marketed as non-toxic? Keep reading to find out.
What Can a Healthy Home Assessment Reveal?
A healthy home assessment is an objective assessment of how healthy your home really is. When it’s related to having an organic, chemical-free home, a health home assessment can reveal:
- Products labeled or marketed as healthy but really aren’t; they still have harmful chemicals in them.
- The amazing things you’re already doing to create an organic, chemical-free household.
- Areas you can strategically focus on – areas that will make the biggest impact on indoor air quality and health – and that you can transform right now.
How to Know Your Self-Care Products are Non-Toxic
Follow these steps:
- Gather all of your self-care (also called personal care) products.
- Open the Environmental Working Group website, www.ewg.org.
- Click on the Consumer Guides link at the top of the page.
- Click on Visit EWG’s Skin Deep Database option.
- Type the name of one of your self-care products into the search bar. Click search.
- Find your exact product.
- Look at the EWG rating.
- With a pen or sharpie, write the EWG rating on your product (bottle or container).
- Repeat until all of your products have a #. If your product isn’t listed on EWG, write N/L (not listed).
- Now, separate your products into 4 groups:
Group 1: 0-2 Rated + EWG Verified products
Group 2: 3-6 Rated products
Group 3: 7-10 Rated products
Group 4: N/L products
How many products are in Group 1?
How much of your self-care products do you WANT to be in Group 1?
Is this an area that you feel called to transform?
If you’re allergic to certain ingredients, you can take this exercise one step further and look for allergens. Here’s how:
When reviewing the product rating on EWG, click on the product itself. A new window will open showing you the detailed ingredients list for that product – soooo frickin’ awesome.
Look for the ingredients you are allergic to.
For example, I’m allergic to nuts so I always scan the ingredient list for shay butter or other butter made from nuts.
A coaching client of mine was allergic to soy, so she looked for soy in the ingredient lists.
See this process in real-time.
Want to Take It A Step Further?
Hire a healthy home assessment coach – as a partner that can help you make this change.
At Live Life, we develop a partnership with our clients – so that we transform your home into a healthy home – together.
We help you identify the most strategic areas of your home to transform, help in areas where you’re stuck, and teach you how to use your new knowledge to propel forward.
Ready to transform your home into a healthy home?
Check out our healthy home coaching and see if it’s a good fit for you.