Illnesses that may be Caused by Chemicals in Everyday Products

Do you have chronic illness or a growing list of medical conditions? Are any of them listed below? If so, you may want to create an organic, chemical-free (healthy) home environment – one with good indoor air quality.

In this article, we’ll give you an excerpt from: “Organic Lifestyle Made Easy: How to Create a Chemical-Free Household One Step At A Time,” showing where these chemicals are very often found.

Table 3: Illnesses that may be Caused by Chemicals in Everyday Products

alcoholismedema and fluid retention syndromes
allergic skin reactionendocrine diseases
alopecia areata endometriosis in adult women
Alzheimer’s diseaseenuresis
anginaeosinophilic gastroenteritis
angioedemaeye irritation
aphthous stomatitisfibrocystic breast disease
arthralgiafrequent colds
asthmagastric and duodenal ulcers
attention deficit disordergastrointestinal diseases
attention deficit hyperactivity disorderglomerulonephritis
autismgranulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s)
autoimmune hemolytic anemia graves’ disease 
autoimmune hepatitis Guillain-Barré syndrome 
behavioral problems in childrengut flora dysbiosis
bloody noseheadaches
cancer (several types)hearing loss
cardiovascular diseaseshypertension
central nervous system damageidiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 
certain anemiasimmune deficiencies
certain malabsorption syndromesinfantile enterocolitis
certain pneumoniasinfertility
chronic bronchitisinsulin resistance in adults 
chronic cystitisinterfere with production or activity of hormones in endocrine system
chronic fatigueirritability
chronic gastritisirritable bowel syndrome
cognitive impairment (ability to mentally function, focus, think, remember)kidney damage and diseases
conjunctivitislaryngeal edema
deathlethargy, fatigue, feeling ill
declines in serum cholinesterase levelsleukemia (increased risk)
dermatitis herpetiformisliver damage and diseases
dermatomyositis loss of appetite
developmental disordersloss of coordination
diabeteslower IQs 
dizzinesslung cancer
dyslexia (difficulty reading)lupus erythematosus
dysmenorrheamanic-depressive illness
dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing)memory disorders
eating disordersMeniere’s disease
eczemamigraine headaches
multiple chemical sensitivityrecurrent vaginitis
multiple sclerosis regional ileitis
muscle painreproductive problems and complications
muscle spasm headachesrespiratory diseases
myalgiarheumatoid arthritis
myasthenia gravisrhinitis
myocardial infarctionsschizophrenia
nasal congestionscleroderma/systemic sclerosis
nauseasensory organ diseases
nephrotic syndromeserious illness
nervous system damagesexual dysfunction
neurological diseasessinusitis
nonhodgkins lymphoma (increased risk)Sjögren’s syndrome
nose and throat irritationskin diseases
obesity somatoform disorders
other arthritidessore throat and cough
other health problemsspaciness
panic disorderssystemic lupus erythematosus
Parkinson’s diseasethrombocytopenia
permanent damage to healththyroid dysfunction
pernicious anemiatinnitus
personality changeulcerative colitis
polyarteritis nodosa urticaria
Polymyositis various cognitive
premenstrual syndromevasculitis
pressure in the earvertigo
primary biliary cirrhosisvitiligo
recurrent otitis mediawheezing

Your Next Steps

Get rid of the root cause of your illness and support your body’s natural, healthy state by transforming your home into a healthy, organic + chemical-free home – one step at a time.

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