Are you concerned about the cost of living a chemical-free lifestyle?
8 out of 10 times, cost comes up as a concern when I talk to people about becoming organic and chemical-free.
It’s a legitimist concern, one that I had to address in my own life over the years.
You want to buy the best nontoxic, chemical-free products while still living within your budget.
And you certainly can do that!
Keep reading to find out how.
How to Make “A” and “B” Rated Non Toxic Laundry Detergents Affordable
Once you find the best chemical-free laundry detergents (rated “A” or “B”), think about how to make these detergents more affordable. Here are a few simple strategies for making your nontoxic laundry detergent fit right into your budget:
- Add Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster to your laundry loads. Rated “A” on the EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning, Adding washing soda detergent booster means using less laundry detergent per load. A box of washing soda costs less than laundry detergent (less than both the A and B, or D and F detergents), making it a cost-effective and healthy option for stretching dollars.
- Use less soap. Studies show that we use far too much soap in our laundry. We only need about 1/3-1/2 of the soap we use now. You might be thinking, “but I don’t see soap on my clothes when I pull them from out’a the wash.” Ya, mine didn’t either.
One day, out of curiosity, I put my clothes back into the washer and ran the wash cycle a 2nd time. I set a timer for 10 minutes, just enough time for water to fill and swoosh the clothes around a bit. When the timer went off, I looked inside.
Soap… soap suds everywhere. I cut the amount of laundry detergent by 1/3 for bedding and ½ for clothes from then on. I saved a ton on laundry detergent, and my laundry is as clean as (actually cleaner than) it was before.
- Stock up when on sale. From time to time, these laundry detergents go on sale, just like any other detergent. Stock up on a 6 month or a year supply of laundry detergent while the sales are hot.
- Super savings! Combine these methods of using less detergent (either by cutting back or using detergent booster) + buying detergent on sale to get the biggest bang for your buck!
How Can Live Life Help?
We give you the information and tools to easily find organic, chemical-free products – that fit your style and budget.
Our tools and tips are based on credible and trusted resources.
Choosing organic, nontoxic cleaners is one step towards feeling great and creating a healthy home environment for you and your family.
Your Next Steps
Are you ready to create your best organic, chemical-free household and have fun doing it?
Tackle your furniture next.
Get instant access to our free online class: How to Buy Organic Nontoxic Wood Furniture.