Are your holidays filled with jolly parties, delicious food, and adult drinks?
We have so much fun when we’re feeling good!
But the strain on our digestive system can cause our immune systems to dysfunction, leading to illness.
Learn how food can affect immune system health.
5 Ways Food Affects the Immune System & Health
1.Slow digestion.
If eating too late at night, too close to bed time, can slow digestive system down and lead to a sleepless night (and heartburn!). Lack of sleep can cause inflammation that burdens the immune system, and could lead to illness.
2. Leaky gut.
Overeating processed food during the holidays is almost a given. The holiday season is filled with parties, food, get-togethers, and food… and then more food.
When we overeat processed food, our digestive systems can’t keep up. This causes “leaky gut” which can lead to allergies and illness.
3. Lack of nutrients.
While potato chips are made from potatoes, they are not a health food (nice try!). It’s common for party-foods to lack nutrients. After all, it’s the holidays! Anything goes! But your body may not agree.
Nutrition and the immune system are tightly linked. In short, a lack of nutrients can cause the immune system to deregulate, and simply not work correctly.
4. Toxic overload.
Holiday drinks, desserts and dishes are often made of processed foods. These processed foods can contain artificial sweeteners, fillers, dyes causing our bodies to be exposed to more chemicals than normal.
And in a short period of time. It becomes difficult for our immune systems to keep up and fight off these toxins.
5. Constipation.
What happens when you combine overeating, processed foods, and alcohol? Dehydration and constipation.
Our bodies can’t get rid of the extra waste (they’re not functioning normally). Plus, when we fill up on dehydrating beverages, our bodies don’t have enough water to properly detox.
Constipation adds to the overall toxic load in our bodies, and can stress the immune system.
How Live Life Can Help
Over the holidays it’s common for our immune systems to become overloaded.
Taking a few minutes each day to take care of yourself can make a big impact and affect immune system health.
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