November is the time to start watching for organic CSA (community supported agriculture) membership sign-up! It only happens once a year.
Organic CSAs are a great way to choose organic, chemical-free, annnnnd fresh foods.
Read on to learn other great health benefits and how to sign up for an organic CSA.
10 Ways Organic CSA Food is Healthier
By choosing a certified organic CSA, you’re choosing food that is free from chemicals in plastic packaging, growing (including non-GMO seeds and pesticides), and production.
Here are 10 ways organic CSA foods are healthier!
- Freshest of fresh. Picked from the ground, rinsed off, and placed into your CSA box for pick up. That’s almost as fresh as you can get.
- Mold minimized. Eating fresh food can minimize exposure to molded foods. As food sits on grocery store shelves, it can become musty tasting (must is an indication of mold in the air) and show signs of mold. The longer food sits on store shelves, the more likely it is to mold.
- Last longer at home. Since veggies are freshly picked, their “shelf life” has just started! Veggies that might typically spoil in a week may last two or three weeks in your kitchen.
- Shorter transportation. Local CSAs mean less transportation for your food. That means less time spent in high-traffic exhaust and hot semitrailers.
- Non-GMO food. CSAs that are certified organic use seeds that are non-GMO, so you know your food is made of an unaltered genetic makeup.
- No plastic packaging. Food is typically laid on a table or put into cardboard carrying boxes, instead of packaged in plastics. Since chemicals (such as phthalates) from plastic packaging can leach into foods and may cause medical conditions, plastic-free packaging is ideal!
- No pesticides. Pesticides, including herbicides and insecticides, are not used on foods that are certified organic.
- More nutrients. When food is picked, it slowly starts to lose nutrients. Since CSA foods are super fresh, they have the most nutrients.
- Tastes better. Fresh organic food simply tastes better.
- Social events. Being surrounded by people living an organic, chemical-free lifestyle (just like you!) is good for mental and emotional health. CSA pickups are a great place to meet other people with a common interest. Some CSA farms will hold pizza night or other social events to help create and foster these relationships.
When and How do I Sign Up for a CSA?
CSA sign up starts now (late fall) and lasts through winter. When you enroll, it’s for the upcoming harvesting season.
So, when you buy into a CSA during November, December, January, or February, your membership is secured for the spring, summer, and/or fall harvest season.
Each CSA operates a little differently. Some offer memberships that are for a particular season. For example, there may be a cost for spring and summer harvest only, with a separate membership cost for fall harvest. Or, there could be one cost for all three seasons.
Most CSAs offer a “full share” or “half share.” The difference is in the amount of food you receive. As the name indicates, half share is half the amount of food that’s in a full share.
Local Harvest is a national organization that connects CSA farmers and consumers. They have a database of searchable CSAs.
Click here to find the CSAs in your area.
To sign up for a CSA, find a CSA close by and head to their website. Each farm will have instructions on how to sign up for their specific CSA, what the costs are, and information about how their CSA operates.
Learn more about CSAs, organic foods, chemical-free practices and other ways to create your best organic, chemical free lifestyle by subscribing to our weekly newsletter!