Did you know that synthetic clothing material is made of chemicals that may be harmful to your health?
These clothes are made of plastic – the same plastic that may be causing health conditions such as cancer, obesity, and hormone disruption – even at levels the Food and Drug Administration say are safe.
In this article, we’ll explain what synthetic clothing is, why it can be harmful to health, and how to know if your clothes are made of synthetic material.
What Are Synthetic Clothes?
Simply put, synthetic clothes are clothes made of material created from oil byproducts and man-made chemicals.
What is an oil byproduct?
You know how crude oil is pumped from the ground, right? It’s that thick black oil that we’ve seen on TV when there is an oil spill.
That crude oil is refined. And refined. And refined. It becomes the basis for things like:
- Car oil
- Gasoline
- Plastic
- Synthetic clothing
What are these man-made chemicals?
Man-made chemicals are exactly what they sound like – chemicals made by humans. We often picture them in white lab coats mixing colorful solutions with puffs of smoke floating into the air.
While not all chemical concoctions create these puffs of smoke or vapor, they do indeed create chemicals that are commonly used in our everyday products.
The American Chemical Society sums it up well in their overview of synthetic textiles. The opening statement is this:
“Ever wonder how certain fabrics protect against the bitter cold, keep athletes cool, or stretch with you as you bend? It’s all textile chemistry!”
Over 100,000 (WOW!) of these chemicals are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as being used in food, clothing, personal care products, cleaners, fragrances, household items, and building materials.
Can Synthetic Clothes Add To My Body’s Overall “Toxic Load”?
Of the 100,000+ chemicals used to create everyday products (including clothing), many have gone untested and, of those tested, several thousand have been associated with health conditions.
Clothing sits on your skin day and night, night and day, which means these synthetic clothes are also on your skin 24/7. Well, unless you sleep naked…
Further, chemicals that fall into the volatile organic compound (VOC) and semi-volatile organic compound (SVOC) families off-gas (or release chemicals) into the air – the same air that you’re breathing day and night.
How Do I Know If My Clothes Are Synthetic: 8 Materials To Look For?
The easiest way to know if your clothes are made of synthetic material is to check the tag.
If it has any of the following 8 materials, it’s made of oil byproducts and man-made chemicals.
- polyester
- nylon
- rayon
- spandex
- vinyl
- viscose
- acrylic
- microfiber
Clothes that are 50% polyester, 25% nylon and 25% acrylic, are another example of synthetic.
What about clothes made of recycled plastic?
Even clothing made of recycled plastic bottles (or other recycled plastics) is fully synthetic clothes.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because it’s recyclable, it’s healthier. Plastic is plastic – there is no such thing as “healthy plastic.”
Beyond that, synthetic clothing requires synthetic dyes and finishes to be used. But that’s a whole ‘nother article.
Final Thoughts
When buying clothing, consider steering clear of synthetic clothes such as polyester, nylon, microfiber and acrylic materials.
Knowing simple ways to find the most organic, chemical-free clothing can help you create a long-lasting lifestyle change.
That’s why at Live Life we make it easy to create your best organic, chemical-free household.
Want more tips for creating your healthiest home?